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It's a Meme Takeover! Share your favorites


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Let's have some fun and get a historic Domer Domain thread going alongside what is hopefully a historic season for Notre Dame.

The current record holder is the famous Retweets 4 the Twitterless with a total of 5,535 replies and an insane 2.7 million views over the course of 10 years.

A few rules to keep it interesting:

  1. Each reply needs to include the next number in the post
  2. The same member can't make back-to-back replies.

Replies can be a random thought, a fun fact, a pun on the post number, a discussion between members, etc. Be creative and have some fun with it.

Let's count-up as we try to break some records!

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3. FaithinIrishforever has a post hangover right now. Something like 400 posts in the last 91 days. So he is very glad he won't be posting back to back on this post. Continuing Retweets was a service project I did for to honor @2lakes.  It made me as devoted as I am today. Lets take this thread there together and keep faith that the University of Notre Dame wins that National Title.

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#4 Fun Fact - There is a 4-way tie for colleges that produced the most Heisman Trophy winners at 7.

Colleges tied with 7 Heisman Trophy Winners

  • Notre Dame - Angelo Bertelli, John Lujack, Leon Hart, John Lattner, Paul Hornung, John Huarte, Tim Brown
  • Ohio State - Les Horvath, Vic Janowicz, Howard Cassady, Archie Griffin (x2), Eddie George, Troy Smith
  • Oklahoma - Billy Vessels, Steve Owens, Billy Sims, Jason White, Sam Bradford, Baker Mayfield, Kyler Murray
  • Southern California - Mike Garrett, O. J. Simpson, Charles White, Marcus Allen, Carson Palmer, Matt Leinart, Caleb Williams
8 hours ago, jbrown_9999 said:

2 - If the old record took 10 years, then this attempt will take 5 years and ND will win the NC once (in 2025 or 2026).

I hope you're right on both fronts! If we make it in 5 years, we'll need to average 3+ posts a day in this thread. Definitely achievable 🤞

6 hours ago, FaithInIrish Forever said:

3. FaithinIrishforever has a post hangover right now. Something like 400 posts in the last 91 days. So he is very glad he won't be posting back to back on this post. Continuing Retweets was a service project I did for to honor @2lakes.  It made me as devoted as I am today. Lets take this thread there together and keep faith that the University of Notre Dame wins that National Title.

You're a posting machine. Just don't burn yourself out. We need you!

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1 hour ago, FaithInIrish Forever said:

7. I''ll take 42(not sure if I followed the rules)

8. Haha, This topic is about anything. As long as you don't post back to back, and you continue the count up, pretty much anything goes 

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 14. Last week, I made the move from Pennsylvania to North Carolina. Everything has been great so far except for one thing... the Dunkin Donuts down here are terrible. There are plenty of local coffee shops that are great, and I can't turn my head without seeing another Starbucks, but my 2-year-old gets so excited for his occasional 'Dunkin Sandwich' (An egg and cheese wrap). They've been burnt to a crisp at the 3 highest-rated Dunkin's nearby.


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14 minutes ago, Mike said:

Number 17 - That's a neat fact!

18. Agreed! I remember when I first saw the movie, I was like eh? But then I saw this, and was like, oh, that’s so cool! 😂

I love when movies have subtle undertones like that! 😆

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6 hours ago, Mike said:

 14. Last week, I made the move from Pennsylvania to North Carolina. Everything has been great so far except for one thing... the Dunkin Donuts down here are terrible. There are plenty of local coffee shops that are great, and I can't turn my head without seeing another Starbucks, but my 2-year-old gets so excited for his occasional 'Dunkin Sandwich' (An egg and cheese wrap). They've been burnt to a crisp at the 3 highest-rated Dunkin's nearby.



What part of NC did you move to?  My brother and his wife and kids just moved down to South Carolina, outside of Charleston.  My kids were devastated.  My two and two of his four are the same ages.  6 and 4.  They were best friends.  It kills me to see my kids miss their cousins so much.

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