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I agree a top level QB would be huge. Talent attracts talent, simple as that. Bring a Clausen or Quinn to ND again and WR will show up. Buchner may be that and it’s really too bad he didn’t get to show it this last season due to covid.


I think ND is really close. They need to land ~2 more players EACH year to get there. Imagine Shaun Wade and Lathan Ransom in NDs secondary this year. Then maybe Jalen McMillan another weapon on offense. Must land a couple of these higher level guys over a couple of the current guys. Imagine having a Jaylon Smith with a project guy like JOK that pans out. Or Hamilton and a Julian Love.


NDs biggest problem is they haven’t yet put it ALL together. At least one position group falls off the rails every couple of years it seems.


As of today ND needs their current WR to get healthy and join the current class. In the current class 2 CBs and both Safeties have to be hits barring some major growth this off season from a couple on the current roster. They need a couple of transfers this off season to keep them a top 10 team.

Edited by Big23Head
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I agree a top level QB would be huge. Talent attracts talent, simple as that. Bring a Clausen or Quinn to ND again and WR will show up. Buchner may be that and it’s really too bad he didn’t get to show it this last season due to covid.


I think ND is really close. They need to land ~2 more players EACH year to get there. Imagine Shaun Wade and Lathan Ransom in NDs secondary this year. Then maybe Jalen McMillan another weapon on offense. Must land a couple of these higher level guys over a couple of the current guys. Imagine having a Jaylon Smith with a project guy like JOK that pans out. Or Hamilton and a Julian Love.


NDs biggest problem is they haven’t yet put it ALL together. At least one position group falls off the rails every couple of years it seems.


As of today ND needs their current WR to get healthy and join the current class. In the current class 2 CBs and both Safeties have to be hits barring some major growth this off season from a couple on the current roster. They need a couple of transfers this off season to keep them a top 10 team.


So Big, with the announcement of Freeman as the new DC, do you see a quick hit impact with some of the difference makers you highlight or is it a more a wait and see after year 1 in his system. I know Kelly stipulated the Rover position would remain and see no issues with Freeman accommodating, or else he wouldn't have accepted the job, but with his coming from Cincy and not being a factor for a lot of high 4 or 5* kids, will this be enough to turn the tide and gain immediate traction?

Also any news on Diggs? What's your Crystal Ball telling you?

Thanks as always and GO IRISH!

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So Big, with the announcement of Freeman as the new DC, do you see a quick hit impact with some of the difference makers you highlight or is it a more a wait and see after year 1 in his system. I know Kelly stipulated the Rover position would remain and see no issues with Freeman accommodating, or else he wouldn't have accepted the job, but with his coming from Cincy and not being a factor for a lot of high 4 or 5* kids, will this be enough to turn the tide and gain immediate traction?

Also any news on Diggs? What's your Crystal Ball telling you?

Thanks as always and GO IRISH!


At this point I think the 2021 class is done. Most difference makers are decided or likely don’t qualify to get into ND this far in the process. Ceyair Wright would be the only one but he had his reasons to stay west. It’s on to transfers and 2022.


I believe Diggs already signed with ND.

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At this point I think the 2021 class is done. Most difference makers are decided or likely don’t qualify to get into ND this far in the process. Ceyair Wright would be the only one but he had his reasons to stay west. It’s on to transfers and 2022.


I believe Diggs already signed with ND.


Really want Ceyair Wright, Corner is a huge need.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here are the EEs. Caleb Johnson (far left) looks like a DUDE


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">First day in the gug. <br><br>Our mid-year enrollees are here! <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/GoIrish?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#GoIrish</a> <a href="https://t.co/8bKOD7WS33">pic.twitter.com/8bKOD7WS33</a></p>— Notre Dame Football (@NDFootball) <a href="

">February 2, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
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Can anyone list them left to right? A few are obvious, but I no clue about others.


Caleb Johnson, Ron Powlus III, Ryan Barnes, Mitchell Evans, Will Schweitzer, Gabriel Rubio, Lorenzo Styles, Devin Aupiu, Rocco Spindler, Philip Riley, Blake Fisher, Jack Coan, Cane Berrong, Tyler Buchner, Justin Walters

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Caleb Johnson, Ron Powlus III, Ryan Barnes, Mitchell Evans, Will Schweitzer, Gabriel Rubio, Lorenzo Styles, Devin Aupiu, Rocco Spindler, Philip Riley, Blake Fisher, Jack Coan, Cane Berrong, Tyler Buchner, Justin Walters
Thank you Big! Johnson and Fisher look pretty impressive already. Everyone knows how good Fisher is going to be and is. Think Johnson could be bigtime also.
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Thank you Big! Johnson and Fisher look pretty impressive already. Everyone knows how good Fisher is going to be and is. Think Johnson could be bigtime also.



Hey Big posted this on the more 3 stars then 4 stars thread today.


“Several things happening here. ND did not settle for any of these 3 stars, they chose a lot of them. The 3 star quality that ND has landed this year is much better than the past. Evaluations this year are difficult with many players not playing or having camps to attend. To me the reaches are Powlus, Onye, and Johnson. I think the rest can play ball.”

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