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2015 Recruiting Prospects


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Also the same high school as Floyd and Seantrel. Fully expect Jashon's recruitment to become a circus any month now....we had this kind of "lead" with Mr. Henderson too.....


I watched him on ESPN, and he was big and fast, but lacked a mean streak. He played tentative, and didn't do much in the games I watched. He had a couple nice plays -- tackle for losses -- but that was it. By no means ready to play at the next level.

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Cornell is awesome, but by no means a Jaylon Smith. Jaylon is on another level and Cornell will never be that good. He's overrated on ESPN...Hilliard on the other hand is a beast.


Agree on all counts! Actually, there was another D Lineman, that was about half his size, that was more active and more disruptive.

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Can we have more threads about individual recruits? It's difficult to learn about new recruits this way, and i find myself looking at other sites for information. No offense, it just makes the recruiting board less interesting to check.

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Can we have more threads about individual recruits? It's difficult to learn about new recruits this way, and i find myself looking at other sites for information. No offense, it just makes the recruiting board less interesting to check.


If you refer to the first page of the thread big updates the "board" pretty frequently with all of our targets....I know what you mean though....tough to track down previous info about guys in this thread

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Create individual threads if you want, I just keep a "main ND board" so to speak. I'm not going to do it alone but that is fine overall. I will still keep this "main" thread.


Also FWIW if I have counted correctly, ND has 12 open spots for next year if ALL guys are back for 5th yrs, no transfers/medicals and none leave early. I'd guess 18-20 for the class right now.

Edited by Big23Head
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Create individual threads if you want, I just keep a "main ND board" so to speak. I'm not going to do it alone but that is fine overall. I will still keep this "main" thread.


Also FWIW if I have counted correctly, ND has 12 open spots for next year if ALL guys are back for 5th yrs, no transfers/medicals and none leave early. I'd guess 18-20 for the class right now.


Who are the eligible fifth years?

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Who are the eligible fifth years?


Hoosier posted it above, I am off by one so I don't know if Schmidt isn't being counted because he started as a walk on or if someone played as a freshman and I missed. I currently have 15 possible 5th yrs.


14 (or 15?) of the 20 seniors:















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Also the same high school as Floyd and Seantrel. Fully expect Jashon's recruitment to become a circus any month now....we had this kind of "lead" with Mr. Henderson too.....


Dont understand why you keep saying this.


ND's "lead" was a media guess when he was a junior. He may have visited South Bend once.


Cornell had visited at least half a dozen times and is actually friends with Onwualu, whereas we had the whole Carufel BS to deal with back then.


Nothing is a lock but Cornell is light years closer than Henderson ever was

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Dont understand why you keep saying this.


ND's "lead" was a media guess when he was a junior. He may have visited South Bend once.


Cornell had visited at least half a dozen times and is actually friends with Onwualu, whereas we had the whole Carufel BS to deal with back then.


Nothing is a lock but Cornell is light years closer than Henderson ever was


LOL Seantrel was a lock to ND as a junior. It was written about over....and over.....


I highly recommend a trip to the time machine search engine with "seantrel" and focusing on threads/posts around 2008/2009....


The first time his recruitment ever shifted was after NSD of the class ahead of him....

Edited by echo88
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The 2015 class could be as small as 15 recruits. It depends on who goes to the NFL, and who contributes. Based on the numbers and who I think SHOULD be asked back and who I think will bolt for the NFL, I think the class size is 16.


In my opinion, we will need (on top of the 3 commits ND already has):

2 CBs

1 Safety

3 LBs (It depends on who is asked back)

2 Dlineman

2 WRs

1 TE

1 RB

1 OL

+ 3 commits = 16 recruits

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