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2015 Recruiting Prospects


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who else is on our team with a scholarship that has a famous dad?


and is thei guys dad even considered famous?


i see it as echo taking another non-issue and trying to make it a negative.


Did you mean to ask


"Is there a son of someone famous (or ultra wealthy) on scholarship whose talent is questionable suggesting that something other than football ability was a consideration in granting him a roster spot?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yep that's correct , but in this case i'm not sure it means much--I haven't done the numbers but I was under the impression that next years class has to be smaller --NOT because we can only take 25---but because we just don't have that many seniors ---


I think we FINALLY will get to 85 but that's cause of so many underclassman and so few seniors we will only have 20ish scollies---


The EEs still count toward 85 no matter what so I THINK---(i'm so confused)--:grin:----it won't really make a difference other then the kids get that early start--


You need to COUNT the seniors--& 5th year seniors--and guys that may leave early--not much of that--I guess Russell might be a candidate----


Adding that all up IT WILL NOT REACH THE 25 LIMIT so we really aren't helped in that way by EES


Bottom line though--WE WILL REACH 85 next year --but its going to be significantly under 25 irrespective of EES that we get in 2015---


NOW IT MIGHT HELP IN the following year---but figuring it out would give me a headache--;)



Edited by hawaiiirish
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Next year's class will be lucky to get 20 new recruits. There are a lot of 5th years next year that could and should be asked back. There is up to 11 seniors I would take back for a 5th year next class. The good thing about this class is that is seems to be high quality with the lack of quantity. We are the early favorites for one of the top players in the league. The next Jaylon Smith caliber player.

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Which allows us to take a bigger class next year, correct? EE's count as a part of the previous year's numbers, right? Am I correct here?


You can count it against the previous class or the current class. Most count it against the previous class, though.


As for the "small class" in 2015 -- we always go into recruiting saying that, and it's never the case. There will be injuries, transfers, and medical schollies given.

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Next year's class will be lucky to get 20 new recruits. There are a lot of 5th years next year that could and should be asked back. There is up to 11 seniors I would take back for a 5th year next class. The good thing about this class is that is seems to be high quality with the lack of quantity. We are the early favorites for one of the top players in the league. The next Jaylon Smith caliber player.


Is that the kid from Minnesota? Name escapes me at the moment, Jashon maybe?


Without the info in front of me, who is eligible for 5th years next year?

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Is that the kid from Minnesota? Name escapes me at the moment, Jashon maybe?


Without the info in front of me, who is eligible for 5th years next year?


Jashon Cornell (went to Onwaulu's High School) may be our #1 target. We also really want Justin Hilliard out of Cincinnati.

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Yes, Jashon Cornell, who is actually #1 overall on one of the recruiting services. Justin Hilliard is another stud in the mix, though he could end up at O$U.


Potential 5th Years (pretty sure this is accurate, not 100% though)
















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Jashon Cornell (went to Onwaulu's High School) may be our #1 target. We also really want Justin Hilliard out of Cincinnati.


Also the same high school as Floyd and Seantrel. Fully expect Jashon's recruitment to become a circus any month now....we had this kind of "lead" with Mr. Henderson too.....

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