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Davonte Neal Thread HE'S IRISH!!


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This post comes out from various people every so often and I am always amazed at how stupid it continues to sound. The connection between what you WANT and what you GET is a blurry line at best. Furthermore, the assumption that you, the blind optimist, is more of a fan than anyone else makes you look ignorant.


This is recruiting NDHoosier. I don't know how long you have been following this dog and pony show but a few things are for certain every year with every recruit. Someone always claims to have insider info. "Experts" have their opinion. Message boards have their opinions usually derived from the two aforementioned sources. In the end, nobody knows anything concrete. Kids act impulsively. They say things one day and forget about it the next week. So chill out with your perceived negativity stump. As a poster pointed out earlier we offered 117 people give or take and we got 16. That means that if you, the great optimist fan, predicted that ND would land every recruit you would have been correct just under 14% of the time.


Relax. Not everything works out for your favorite team.


which is why you guys are pessimists. Without anything concrete, you spout off of stuff like "He gone" or "He going to Arizona." From what I have seen, There is no team that stands out above the rest and if anything, Notre Dame has as good of a chance as any. I am not being optimistic because I am one of the few who admits that I do not know. However, since you all have seen the same things I have, it is still pessimistic for you to shout out Arizona and every other school known to man except the team you are cheering.


If you say "he is going to Arizona" you are a pessimist

If you say "he is going to Arkansas" you are a pessimist

if you say "he is going to North Carolina" you are a pessimist

If you say "he is going to Notre Dame" you are an optimist


however, if you are like me, you cheer for Notre Dame to get him and admit that you do not know where he ends up... There is nothing out there that puts one school above the others, but if forced, there is more positive things for Notre Dame than the others, so to say he is going to some other school like it is a done deal is being nothing but a pessimist.


besides, who cares how often you guys are "correct" you are not getting paid for your predictions. I would think as Notre Dame fans, you would optimistic about recruits going to the school you cheer for. Playing the percentage game is a waste of time. There is only like 2 or 3 people on each board that are considered "insiders," so I dont care how often the rest of you are right in your blatant guesses.

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Exactly. Take a two hour drive to see a school you've seen already, or a free plane ticket to go visit grandma in North Carolina?


he still had 2 OV he could use so he could have visited 2 more places on the house...and he could have had some pretty nice meals

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Neal said the only reason he cancelled his trip to Arizona was because he had already been there multiple times...


while he prolly has visited the campus multiple times, he's yet to meet the full coaching staff because they were all new (outside of his HS coach that became part of Rich Rod's new staff)...don't u think u'd want to meet the coaches you'll be playing for (especially the Head Coach) of the school you plan on picking?

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which is why you guys are pessimists. Without anything concrete, you spout off of stuff like "He gone" or "He going to Arizona." From what I have seen, There is no team that stands out above the rest and if anything, Notre Dame has as good of a chance as any....


They better not be saying that, I copywrote it. You like that word I just made up? See what I did there?


Neal will be Irish, si Dios y la Virgen. And if the water don't rise. And the creek don't flood. And if he doesn't eat spicy food on Monday night and end up with weird dreams about Rodriguez.

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Nope. He even canceled his official visit to Arizona. Which is why I am so perplexed why people on here keep saying he'll pick 'Zona. Arkansas? Makes sense. Arizona? No chance in hell, you guys are nuts...


that's what we all thought of greenberry and houston to and we see how that turned out...

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I've skirted the edge of negativity, but would be very pleased if we were to land his commit. I would pour a few ounces of Tullamore Dew put on a old Soupy Sales video and do his hit dance sensation, "The Mouse".


Soupy was my all time favorite. Remember when he told kids to go into their dad's wallet and mother's pocketbook find the green stuff and mail it to him?

Got hm in quite a pickle back in the day

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Soupy was my all time favorite. Remember when he told kids to go into their dad's wallet and mother's pocketbook find the green stuff and mail it to him?

Got hm in quite a pickle back in the day


I watched his show the day they pulled the plug on him for telling those two jokes, "why is a women like a frying pan? - you have to heat them both up before your put the meat in" and if that wasn't enough for the censors he threw in 5 minutes later this little nugget, " My wife can't cook but she sure can make my banana cream" after that a test pattern came on the tv, and Soupy was history since the show was disguised as a kiddy program.

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I watched his show the day they pulled the plug on him for telling those two jokes, "why is a women like a frying pan? - you have to heat them both up before your put the meat in" and if that wasn't enough for the censors he threw in 5 minutes later this little nugget, " My wife can't cook but she sure can make my banana cream" after that a test pattern came on the tv, and Soupy was history since the show was disguised as a kiddy program.


I was a big Soupy fan too, especially from "what's My Line" reruns in the '70's.


You're going to have to contact snopes.com about those jokes: http://www.snopes.com/radiotv/tv/soupy2.asp


The prank with the real stripper unseen behind the door, on the other hand, was caught on tape, and can be seen on youtube (both censored and uncensored). I'll post the censored version here:



Afterward, he can't stop laughing and says, "well, all I know is the music was playing and, uh..."


If you watch any youtube video of his shows, I'm sure you'll agree that he was a strange one, but he truly enjoyed himself. On the wiki page, he is credited with doing a lot for Jazz in Detroit.

Sales believed that his show helped sustain jazz in Detroit, as artists would regularly sell out their nightclub shows after appearing on Soupy's On.[8] Coleman Hawkins, Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Billie Holiday, Charlie Parker, and Stan Getz were among the artists who appeared on the show; Miles Davis made six appearances.[4][8] Clifford Brown's appearance on Soup's On, according to Sales, may be the only extant footage of Brown, and has been included in Ken Burns' Jazz and an A&E Network biography about Sales.[8] Jackie Wilson also sang on his 11:00 show.

At one time he had a nighttime show as well as two daytime shows (they said he made $100,000 one year which was a lot of money back in the '60's).


None of his shows were intended for children, and he himself described them as "childrens' shows for adults." But I'm guess a lot of youngsters did tune in.

Soupy was quoted as once saying, "There's no message to this show." Explaining, "It's actually a kid's show for adults - we even get letters now from people who have pie-throwing parties in their basements."

from http://www.travel-watch.com/mario/soupy.htm


Maybe the most intriguing thing about his shows were how off-the-cuff and improvisational they often seemed.


Sales appeared on the Ed Sullivan show singing one of his quirky tunes on the same show just before the famous Beatles appearance.

Sales' novelty dance record, The Mouse, dates from the mid-1960s period of his career, when his show was based in New York. Sales performed The Mouse on The Ed Sullivan Show in September 1965, just prior to The Beatles' segment of the show.



Anyway, please choose Notre Dame, Davonte, and you most certainly won't regret it.


Long live Soupy Sales. RIP (January 8, 1926 – October 22, 2009).


Well, all I know is the music was playing...

Edited by 2lakes
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I was a big Soupy fan too, especially from "what's My Line" reruns in the '70's.


You're going to have to contact snopes.com about those jokes: http://www.snopes.com/radiotv/tv/soupy2.asp


The prank with the real stripper unseen behind the door, on the other hand, was caught on tape, and can be seen on youtube (both censored and uncensored). I'll post the censored version here:

Afterward, he can't stop laughing and says, "well, all I know is the music was playing and, uh..."


If you watch any youtube video of his shows, I'm sure you'll agree that he was a strange one, but he truly enjoyed himself. On the wiki page, he is credited with doing a lot for Jazz in Detroit.


At one time he had a nighttime show as well as two daytime shows (they said he made $100,000 one year which was a lot of money back in the '60's).


None of his shows were intended for children, and he himself described them as "childrens' shows for adults." But I'm guess a lot of youngsters did tune in.


from http://www.travel-watch.com/mario/soupy.htm


Maybe the most intriguing thing about his shows were how off-the-cuff and improvisational they often seemed.


Sales appeared on the Ed Sullivan show singing one of his quirky tunes on the same show just before the famous Beatles appearance.




Anyway, please choose Notre Dame, Davonte, and you most certainly won't regret it.


Long live Soupy Sales. RIP (January 8, 1926 – October 22, 2009).


Well, all I know is the music was playing...

Does your "lets keep this to Davonte Neal" rules expire after page three? Ive shown great restraint on this thread, I'd expect the same from its author.



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