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Davonte Neal Thread HE'S IRISH!!


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The kid said he knew last week and wanted to announce today.


Dad said the same damn thing.


Now I am supposed to believe at the 11th hour they realized they were at odds?


Come on, man.


Sorry man. We got this kid because Daddy made him. No way was the decision the same as it was weeks ago. If it was, the drama with the no show wouldnt have taken place. You can believe what you want, but IMO this guy will be on transfer watch along with Gunner. Colin speaks the truth.

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Echo---I think it is likely that cold feet set in and parental pressure lit a match under him.


That is of course a TOTAL SURMISE, but its logical speculation that rings true even if it wasn't quite whips & chains that forced the decision.--:grin:


But irrespective of that i see no reason to " put him on transfer watch" ---Lynch was so so unsure--as was TUITT- they even decommitted--and they don't need to be "WATCHED"----stuff happens--things change quick----


When Davonte wakes up in DUBLIN waiting to recieve his first punt , LITERALLY IN IRISH GREEN----todays events will be a faded memory.


Gunner is a different situation---he "COULD POSSIBLY" leave not because he's fickle but because he loses out and business is business----same could happen to Golson or hendrix or even rees all from the same situation.


But just because Neal had a sketchy moment this morning , i don't think that will mean much as far as how he reponds once reality sets in.


I bet he's gonna like the BIG STAGE---and he's gonna be on it in IRELAND FROM GAME ONE!!__:grin:


aloha's go irish!

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Sorry man. We got this kid because Daddy made him. No way was the decision the same as it was weeks ago. If it was, the drama with the no show wouldnt have taken place. You can believe what you want, but IMO this guy will be on transfer watch along with Gunner. Colin speaks the truth.

Idle speculation---nothing more, nothing less. Maybe he felt uncomfortable announcing for ND before an overwhelmingly pro-Arizona crowd? Who knows? Let us all give this guesswork a rest, move on, and be happy that he's Irish.

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Sorry man. We got this kid because Daddy made him. No way was the decision the same as it was weeks ago. If it was, the drama with the no show wouldnt have taken place. You can believe what you want, but IMO this guy will be on transfer watch along with Gunner. Colin speaks the truth.


I don't care if it was Daddy, or Moomy, or Pappy, or Mammy, or Bobby, or Kelly, or Davonty. He committed, signed and delivered.


HE's IRISH!!!!!!!



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Sorry man. We got this kid because Daddy made him. No way was the decision the same as it was weeks ago. If it was, the drama with the no show wouldnt have taken place. You can believe what you want, but IMO this guy will be on transfer watch along with Gunner. Colin speaks the truth.


You couldn't be any more wrong with what went down. Good try though.

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You couldn't be any more wrong with what went down. Good try though.


It's an opinion supported by a hell of a lot more fuel than your assertion. I guess the dozens of reporters, especially the in state ones that were in the best position to receive that kind of info, were mistaken.


None of it matters anymore. I just hope his heart is solid to ND.

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It's an opinion supported by a hell of a lot more fuel than your assertion. I guess the dozens of reporters, especially the in state ones that were in the best position to receive that kind of info, were mistaken.


None of it matters anymore. I just hope his heart is solid to ND.




Another thing -- in the SB Tribune today a quote of Kelly's PC identifies how he thinks he'll use Davonte:


"Davonte' was an electric playmaker in high school and was capable of

making the big play any time he had the ball in his hands," Kelly said

in a statement. "He excelled as a receiver, as a running back and as a

returner for coach Ragle at Chaparral High School. I imagine we'll use

him in a similar fashion here."


Sounds a lot like PR and slot.

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Sorry man. We got this kid because Daddy made him. No way was the decision the same as it was weeks ago. If it was, the drama with the no show wouldnt have taken place. You can believe what you want, but IMO this guy will be on transfer watch along with Gunner. Colin speaks the truth.


Didn't you say he wasn't coming to ND? Now he's going to transfer? :( I don't mind people making blind guesses but at least try and vary your outlook. Why does it all have to be doom and gloom?

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It's an opinion supported by a hell of a lot more fuel than your assertion. I guess the dozens of reporters, especially the in state ones that were in the best position to receive that kind of info, were mistaken.


None of it matters anymore. I just hope his heart is solid to ND.



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Sorry man. We got this kid because Daddy made him. No way was the decision the same as it was weeks ago. If it was, the drama with the no show wouldnt have taken place. You can believe what you want, but IMO this guy will be on transfer watch along with Gunner. Colin speaks the truth.


Hahahahahaha took all of a few hours for the negative spin from the doomsday twins.

While I agree that dad played a big part, listen to bk's interview on und and he strongly suggests that nd has been feeling very very confident with Neal for weeks because Devonte told him he was coming. The only LOI that was at neals elementary school since Monday was for ND.


So god knows what happened Tuesday at 3am and it's entirely possible that Neal got cold feet and was "parentally guided" back to his senses, but c'mon with all this transfer talk. Give yourselves a break and enjoy it for a bit before returning to your regularly programmed pessimism.

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Didn't you say he wasn't coming to ND? Now he's going to transfer? :( I don't mind people making blind guesses but at least try and vary your outlook. Why does it all have to be doom and gloom?


Yep, I was wrong. The 2 guys I was wrong about had the most drama surrounding their decision. Kiel chose LSU and flipped after some reported locker room shenanigans. With Devonte, I never got that feeling he would end up Irish. I'm certainly glad he did.


When I commented that Id put both on the transfer watch list, I just meant that the way they chose ND made me feel uneasy about the chances of keeping them. That's all. If Greenberry ended up Irish, I would have said the same thing about him.


Im not all doom and gloom---its just that the topics that are controversial usually have me supporting the unpopular opinion. It's the old pessimism vs. realism debate that rears its head every year....

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Hahahahahaha took all of a few hours for the negative spin from the doomsday twins.

While I agree that dad played a big part, listen to bk's interview on und and he strongly suggests that nd has been feeling very very confident with Neal for weeks because Devonte told him he was coming. The only LOI that was at neals elementary school since Monday was for ND.


So god knows what happened Tuesday at 3am and it's entirely possible that Neal got cold feet and was "parentally guided" back to his senses, but c'mon with all this transfer talk. Give yourselves a break and enjoy it for a bit before returning to your regularly programmed pessimism.


I have a twin? :)

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It's an opinion supported by a hell of a lot more fuel than your assertion. I guess the dozens of reporters, especially the in state ones that were in the best position to receive that kind of info, were mistaken.


None of it matters anymore. I just hope his heart is solid to ND.


Who were the dozens of reporters?


Since there was no direct source for this, it all basically came from speculation.


Now, I don't deny that certainly could be what happened. But some two bit reporter from Arizona or a fake twitter feed isn't going to convince me of that.


Heck, Phillip Daniels was thinking Davonte wanted ND and his dad wanted Arizona. So there was plenty of speculation both ways.

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Who were the dozens of reporters?


Since there was no direct source for this, it all basically came from speculation.


Now, I don't deny that certainly could be what happened. But some two bit reporter from Arizona or a fake twitter feed isn't going to convince me of that.


Heck, Phillip Daniels was thinking Davonte wanted ND and his dad wanted Arizona. So there was plenty of speculation both ways.


Maybe it all emanated from the same BS source, but it was being reported by virtually every media outlet covering the story.


Do a google search for the drama and see for yourself. This is a list just off the first page...













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Sorry man. We got this kid because Daddy made him. No way was the decision the same as it was weeks ago. If it was, the drama with the no show wouldnt have taken place. You can believe what you want, but IMO this guy will be on transfer watch along with Gunner. Colin speaks the truth.


The part of the whole story I don't think is true, is that Davonte wanted UA. I think Davonte wanted ND all along, he just got cold feet. He just didn't want to disappoint a huge throng of kids, family, friends, coaches, press, and teachers.


When I heard he was doing a PC like that, and would choose ND, my first thought was son, what are you thinking?


I think all the recruitniks and people thinking he wanted UA was just that -- wishful thinking.

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