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Davonte Neal Thread HE'S IRISH!!


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with the death that just occurred in his family i think it really hit him that he needs to stay close to home


Look, when you have a family member die, it makes you appreciate the rest of your family even more, no question. But it does not mean that as an eighteen year old you have to be afraid to go out into the world. It could mean:

1. He chose Arizona because it's close. But did he even take an official visit and get a decent look at the place?

2. He chose Arkansas because it's closer than the other two more distant schools. But, really, we're talking a couple more hours on a plane.

3. He chose North Carolina to be near his grandmother. Assuming that his grandmother is elderly and that, despite the distance, he has a close relationship with her, that actually makes sense.


4. He chose Notre Dame because he is now more aware of his spiritual needs and is thinking in terms of his growth into manhood and what he can accomplish for his family, especially with that education, throughout his entire life. Also, it was Notre Dame, and only Notre Dame, in his own words, which offered condolences immediately after the passing of his cousin, so there is that emphasis on family and what's really important at Our Mother's School.

Edited by 2lakes
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Look, when you have a family member die, it makes you appreciate the rest of your family even more, no question. But it does not mean that as an eighteen year old you have to be afraid to go out into the world. It could mean:

1. He chose Arizona because it's close. But did he even take an official visit and get a decent look at the place?

2. He chose Arkansas because it's closer than the other two more distant schools. But, really, we're talking a couple more hours on a plane.

3. He chose North Carolina to be near his grandmother. Assuming that his grandmother is elderly and that, despite the distance, he has a close relationship with her, that actually makes sense.


4. He chose Notre Dame because he is now more aware of his spiritual needs and is thinking in terms of his growth into manhood and what he can accomplish for his family, especially with that education, throughout his entire life. Also, it was Notre Dame, and only Notre Dame, in his own words, which offered condolences immediately after the passing of his cousin, so there is that emphasis on family and what's really important at Our Mother's School.


This sounds wonderful and is compelling evidence. Whether this young man sees it the same is out of our control...I'd love for this to be the reason he comes here. That and he seems like a really great kid.

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girlfriend and best friend (high school teammate) are going to AZ.......his cousins untimely death.........his association with his father.......


Neal said early on that he was definitely leaving the state for college. Didn't even want to visit the in-state schools. Has that changed?

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Wiltfong on 247 just said that he feels its down to arkansas and ND. wouldnt be surprised with either but leaning slightly to ark.


Jason Sapp hasnt really given his opinion as of yet. That could be because

a) he has no idea, or

b) hes keeping it under wraps. This scenario would bode well for ND as Sapp typically avoids stealing any of a recruits thunder especially those committing to ND.

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Neal said early on that he was definitely leaving the state for college. Didn't even want to visit the in-state schools. Has that changed?


Unless the passing of his cousin really changed everything (possible), he is NOT going to Arizona. His father has openly campaigned for UNC and ND. Devonte has repeatedly said earlier in the process that he wanted out of Arizona.


SO yes, maybe the passing of his cousin had a profound effect on Devonte but I dont necessarily see that as a reason to pick Arizona.


I still see him in blue and gold.

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I really want this kid to go to Notre Dame just so some of the pessimists on this board can learn a lesson. Geez, half the time I wonder how many of you are actually Notre Dame fans (Every recruit known to man is signing somewhere else according to you guys).

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I really want this kid to go to Notre Dame just so some of the pessimists on this board can learn a lesson. Geez, half the time I wonder how many of you are actually Notre Dame fans (Every recruit known to man is signing somewhere else according to you guys).


Pessimism and realism can get quite blurry my brother...


Just curious to know how long you've followed Irish football...

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I really want this kid to go to Notre Dame just so some of the pessimists on this board can learn a lesson. Geez, half the time I wonder how many of you are actually Notre Dame fans (Every recruit known to man is signing somewhere else according to you guys).


That just makes it easier. If ND offers 125 kids and 16 come, you can just say no one is coming and almost always be right. Of course, no one remembers the ones you got wrong, because you are right almost 88% of the time, what a great track record!

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Under the influence of fear, which always leads men to take a pessimistic view of things, they magnified their enemies' resources, and minimized their own.

Titus Livius


When I look at the world I'm pessimistic, but when I look at people I am optimistic.

Carl Rogers


When you have vision it affects your attitude. Your attitude is optimistic rather than pessimistic.

Charles R. Swindoll

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That just makes it easier. If ND offers 125 kids and 16 come, you can just say no one is coming and almost always be right. Of course, no one remembers the ones you got wrong, because you are right almost 88% of the time, what a great track record!

But the only ones that matter are the 5-10 marquee guys we are truly in the hunt for every year. Not every recruit ND offers gets a 10 page thread going just as ND doesn't have a snowballs chance in Hell with at least 60% of those kids.


That being said, I saw Davonte Neal wearing a Whitney Houston shirt today.

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I really want this kid to go to Notre Dame just so some of the pessimists on this board can learn a lesson. Geez, half the time I wonder how many of you are actually Notre Dame fans (Every recruit known to man is signing somewhere else according to you guys).

You have an opinion and someone else has a different opinion. Believe it or not, there is room for both of those opinions under the Golden Dome of fandom.

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Neal said early on that he was definitely leaving the state for college. Didn't even want to visit the in-state schools. Has that changed?


Nope. He even canceled his official visit to Arizona. Which is why I am so perplexed why people on here keep saying he'll pick 'Zona. Arkansas? Makes sense. Arizona? No chance in hell, you guys are nuts...

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I really want this kid to go to Notre Dame just so some of the pessimists on this board can learn a lesson. Geez, half the time I wonder how many of you are actually Notre Dame fans (Every recruit known to man is signing somewhere else according to you guys).


This post comes out from various people every so often and I am always amazed at how stupid it continues to sound. The connection between what you WANT and what you GET is a blurry line at best. Furthermore, the assumption that you, the blind optimist, is more of a fan than anyone else makes you look ignorant.


This is recruiting NDHoosier. I don't know how long you have been following this dog and pony show but a few things are for certain every year with every recruit. Someone always claims to have insider info. "Experts" have their opinion. Message boards have their opinions usually derived from the two aforementioned sources. In the end, nobody knows anything concrete. Kids act impulsively. They say things one day and forget about it the next week. So chill out with your perceived negativity stump. As a poster pointed out earlier we offered 117 people give or take and we got 16. That means that if you, the great optimist fan, predicted that ND would land every recruit you would have been correct just under 14% of the time.


Relax. Not everything works out for your favorite team.

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My opinion and that of most objective analysts is that devonte Neal will be Irish.

The unbridled negativity some have shouldn't be confused with "realism"... Picking everyone but ND isn't much of a stretch given the fact we offer hundreds of kids to fill classes of 20-25 people.

Neal picking UA or UNC because of family, or Ark for petrino and the sec, etc are valid arguments but many here just want to say he's not Irish so they might have an "I told you so" moment if that's what happens. It's bush league and better suited to Ndnation.

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My opinion and that of most objective analysts is that devonte Neal will be Irish.

The unbridled negativity some have shouldn't be confused with "realism"... Picking everyone but ND isn't much of a stretch given the fact we offer hundreds of kids to fill classes of 20-25 people.

Neal picking UA or UNC because of family, or Ark for petrino and the sec, etc are valid arguments but many here just want to say he's not Irish so they might have an "I told you so" moment if that's what happens. It's bush league and better suited to Ndnation.

anyone who says i told you so is an idiot...........

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I have been picking Neal irish for so so long----i started threads with neal looking to be irish weeks & weeks ago.


So let me say right here and now if NEAL IS IRISH__I TOLD YOU SO!!!



Now if neal is going to select another school --let me say here and now NEAL WON'T BE IRISH----that way if he doesn't come--I TOLD YOU SO!!


See--- its easy when your just a little open minded and flexible--:grin:


You guys struggle too much with this stuff--


aloha's go irish!

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