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Arik Armstead, USC Decommit


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I don't blame USC for exercising caution, really. If you don't know, why risk it? If it is an issue of cardiac nature, would YOU want to be the one that cleared a kid despite not knowing what it was that ends up dead because of it? I know I wouldn't. Its why you get the best doctors you can on the case to avoid this ambiguity, but I won't fault anyone for "better safe than sorry", whether there are or aren't selfish scholarship crunches that factor into that decision. For too long have football players been nudged out onto the field when they shouldn't have, and paid the price long after their playing days are over. Its a soap boxey thought to have, but its something I believe in. A lot of these kids shorten their lifespans playing a brutal contact sport, if nothing than reduce the quality of their lives thanks to concussions and injuries that inhibit mobility - do whatever you can to ensure you did your best to protect these kids.


I'll be happy to capitalize on whatever ripple affects it has on recruiting, but I'd feel like an ass if I didn't point to Kelly saying no to letting Wenger play for ND again with applause, then pointing a finger at Kiffy for exercising similar caution with the elder, multi-year starter in Armstead, and chastise him for it. I make fun of him for a lot of things, and think he's a quack for others, but this one I won't.

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It could be for 2 reasons.


1. Its unknown whether or not they have medically cleared him to play.


2. Like Michigan with Stonum(who will lose both starting receivers)...simply sitting him out the entire year and bringing him back for a 5th year will provide them more depth for 2012. The medical issue(or suspension in Stonum's case)is a good way to justify bringing him back next year.

1. He is been cleared to play by physicians. Again, this kid's dad is a trainer for professional athletes. They have the connections to look into this and make sure he's good to go. It's not like his parents are some crackpots crying wolf.


2. It is 100% the case that Kiffin and co. wanted him for an additional year or for depth or they straight up don't want him on the field for them. He has been cleared to play and is being held back by the staff, hence the anger felt by the Armsteads.

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The how and the why of it doesn't matter too much at this point. The fact is, he's in play, and he decommitted a week before showing up on ND's campus. Entering this visit with an open mind is good news. We're getting to a point where we're not just selling rhetoric to anyone with ears any more, but can point to things like our ground game, our defensive pressure, a few budding stars here or there, etc. We've got a compelling product to pitch to these kids, and hopefully Saturday highlights a lot of those things.

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The how and the why of it doesn't matter too much at this point. The fact is, he's in play, and he decommitted a week before showing up on ND's campus. Entering this visit with an open mind is good news. We're getting to a point where we're not just selling rhetoric to anyone with ears any more, but can point to things like our ground game, our defensive pressure, a few budding stars here or there, etc. We've got a compelling product to pitch to these kids, and hopefully Saturday highlights a lot of those things.

I would just put him, Tee, Shaq, Darby, Jarron and Sheldon next to Ishaq, Niklas, Lynch and Tuitt and let them figure out the message. I mean come on! Theres so much potential there, a lot of it already being realized by the latter guys on campus.

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If thats the case, then good for him. Picking a school just because your brother went there is a mixed proposition. Martin brothers; thumbs up. Olsen brothers; thumbs down. McCarthy brothers; bit of a mixed bag perhaps. There should be other reasons why is my point.


Considering he was committed to the school his brother is at, and now his brother is upset with how things are being handled by USC, Arik is no longer committed, I'm pretty sure what happens with his brother is relevant in his recruitment, regardless of what they say to the media.



I'm not familiar with the Olsen recruitment, but I don't think it's fair to say that Danny McCarthy or Nick Martin chose ND "just because" their brothers went there. Nick Martin's only other offer from a traditional power (unless you count Tennessee) was Michigan. And he's a kid from Indianapolis. ND might well have snagged a kid like that without the brother being here.


And Dan McCarthy, who knows? He's had serious injuries since high school. He was a highly rated kid. Look at his other offers. If injuries/play kept him from making it here, I doubt he'd have made it at Ohio State or Oklahoma.


Which is a long way of saying that it's never a bad idea to go to ND, even if you're going because your brother's there already. You're coming out of the situation ahead, no matter what happens. Following a brother to USC or another football factory is something else altogether.

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When it comes to Dan, I've heard some mumblings about how the medical staff handled his hammy last year. Thats what I was alluding to in mentioning a mixed bag, though a lot of those guys have since been let go by Kelly.


Did he pick ND just because of his brother? In that instance, I don't think it necessarily was "THE" reason, and your point is pretty darn relevant. Think the bigger picture played a role in that one more than others. Playing with his brother was an added perk more so than the bait he bit down on persay.


With Nick, it really did boil down to his brother. The kid was committed to Kentucky, and bailed because he felt blood was thicker than water - lots of people close to his recruitment said as much when he popped up Irish. That I remember pretty vividly.


As for Greg and Chris Olsen, the proof was in the pudding there. Ty picked Brady Quinn - rightfully so - and both of them ended up elsewhere. Greg's decision was based primarily in football, and left for other pastures when "Olsen to Olsen" didn't happen.


I'm not sure I fully agree with your last paragraph. Notre Dame is a relatively small, private, faith based Catholic institution in northern Indiana. I know a lot of people who wouldn't fit in with that environment. Its part of why ND has so many haters as it does, because it's niche is pretty specialized. Whether it's wanting an urban environment at your finger tips, wanting a bigger student body at hand, or being used to the public education you grew up with, its not for everyone. We've seen some of the fallout from the Matt Carufels and Konrad Reulands of the world transferring out with some bitterness towards the school more so than not getting handed a starting job necessarily. Taking a leap out of the comfort zone worked well for Manti Te'o; not the case with some others.


TOTALLY agree that there are LOTS worse places to go than a school that gives you a reputable degree which you've earned and can market yourself with in an interview even if nothing about your athletic career works out as planned. In general, picking a school because your brother went there isn't the best reason to sign up for any school, but there is a ton to love about Notre Dame if it's the right fit, and you go into it with eyes open about what you're signing up for off the grid iron as well as on it.

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Carufel was an asshole. I don't think you can blame that one on the school. There are Demetrius Jones types all over, and Weis and staff seemed especially prone to finding them. Anyway all I meant by that is that it's never a bad idea to go to ND on a football schollie, whether you fit in or not, whether it's your preferred scene or not. You'll be better for having gone. Kids who transfer from ND for football reasons are crazy, IMO, unless it's something like Reuland or Whitaker where they go to an equivalent school like Stanford.


Anyway the real interesting part of your post involved the rumblings about Dan McCarthy's hamstring problems. What were the rumblings? And what's the story on the medical staff being let go? You'd think with a fanbase that parses every comment, I'd have heard about this all, but I seem to have missed it.

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The Dan McCarthy thing was more rumor than a concrete article. Can't remember who mentioned it, but it came out during the Rudolph "Will he/won't he go pro?" speculation/news part of last off-season. Dan McCarthy got mentioned because the topic of hamstring management came up, and some of the players were allegedly unhappy with how their injury treatments turned out last year, him included.


In the wake of things like Rudolph's hammy being bungled, along with some of the misdiagnosed injuries we've seen in recent years (Clausen's "turf toe", Allen having a hip injury that went untreated for years, etc), Kelly helped bring in in Oklahoma State's Rob Hunt to spearhead a pretty extensive medical overhaul that didn't get a ton of press to be honest. Some of the guys that were replaced had been with the University for a long time, which probably had some role in why they tried to keep things quiet out of respect to them and what not.

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Which is a long way of saying that it's never a bad idea to go to ND, even if you're going because your brother's there already. You're coming out of the situation ahead, no matter what happens.


Nice PWT3 - I completely agree with this. Hearing about Marcus Lattimore's injury today brought me back to your comment. I'm sure he'll be fine, but it was just a reminder on how quickly things can turn the other way.


Side note, I wonder how Carufel is liking being the doormat of the B10.


Anyway, hope Arik loves his visit. It will be the place to be this weekend.

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Heading out to the Promised land hoping for a truly magical weekend and the committment of Arik Armstead. I hope we get one of the Marshall kids at running back. I can't remember a bigger weekend and the weather is supposed to be sunny and 61 degrees. Those new gold helmets will be shining under the lights and the atmosphere should be surreal.


I have seen in the past, when so many great recruits are all together, they start talking about how it would be to play together. There will be enough firepower on campus to take us to a national title if all goes well. Say a little prayer---or a BIG one!!

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The recruiting weekend from 2 years ago had similar star power. We don't remember it as vividly because we didn't see much results from it thanks to the outcome of that season, but we had some studs on campus. The difference is, this has more of a upward momentum than "win or Charlie is out" feel to it. Hunter vs. hunted if you catch my drift.

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UT S Chris Badger- Verbal Commit- Official Visit

TN LB Brad Bars- Prospect- Unofficial Visit

FL RB Giovanni Bernard- Offered/Official Visit

FL CB Spencer Boyd- Verbal Commit- Official Visit

IL S Corey Cooper- Offered/Illinois Soft Verbal/Official Visit

IL DT Bruce Gaston Jr. - Offered- Unofficial Visit

MN OT Seantrel Henderson- Offered/Official Visit

CA RB Jordon James- Offered- Official Visit

GA WR Tailer Jones- Verbal Commit- Official Visit

FL CB Lamarcus Joyner- Offered- Official Visit

FL OC/OT Brandon Linder- Offered/Official Visit

IL OT Christian Lombard- Verbal Commit- Unofficial Visit

IN DE Blake Lueders- Verbal Commit- Official Visit

CO DE Chris Martin-Verbal Commit- Official Visit

NC LB Kendall Moore- Verbal Commit- Official Visit

FL DT Louis Nix- Offered/Miami Soft Verbal/Unofficial Visit

IL WR Kyle Prater- Offered/USC Verbal/Unofficial Visit

IL QB Tommy Rees - Verbal Commit- Unofficial Visit

FL CB Cody Riggs- Offered- Official Visit

CA S Dietrich Riley- Offered- Official Visit

CA CB Joshua Shaw- Offered- Official Visit

NC LB Prince Shembo- Verbal Commit- Official Visit

IN WR Daniel Smith- Verbal Commit- Unofficial Visit

TN OT James Stone- Offered- Official Visit

OH S Ray Vinopal- Prospect- Unofficial Visit

OH TE Alex Welch- Verbal Commit- Official Visit

FL CB Lo Wood- Verbal Commit- Official Visit


Looking back, Prater, Nix, Martin, Henderson, Joyner, Linder, arguably just as much if not more star power. Considering the net result of these visits on signing day was getting Nix and losing Leuders and Martin, a real dud of a weekend, but it was an exciting proposition at the time.

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UT S Chris Badger- Verbal Commit- Official Visit

TN LB Brad Bars- Prospect- Unofficial Visit

FL RB Giovanni Bernard- Offered/Official Visit

FL CB Spencer Boyd- Verbal Commit- Official Visit

IL S Corey Cooper- Offered/Illinois Soft Verbal/Official Visit

IL DT Bruce Gaston Jr. - Offered- Unofficial Visit

MN OT Seantrel Henderson- Offered/Official Visit

CA RB Jordon James- Offered- Official Visit

GA WR Tailer Jones- Verbal Commit- Official Visit

FL CB Lamarcus Joyner- Offered- Official Visit

FL OC/OT Brandon Linder- Offered/Official Visit

IL OT Christian Lombard- Verbal Commit- Unofficial Visit

IN DE Blake Lueders- Verbal Commit- Official Visit

CO DE Chris Martin-Verbal Commit- Official Visit

NC LB Kendall Moore- Verbal Commit- Official Visit

FL DT Louis Nix- Offered/Miami Soft Verbal/Unofficial Visit

IL WR Kyle Prater- Offered/USC Verbal/Unofficial Visit

IL QB Tommy Rees - Verbal Commit- Unofficial Visit

FL CB Cody Riggs- Offered- Official Visit

CA S Dietrich Riley- Offered- Official Visit

CA CB Joshua Shaw- Offered- Official Visit

NC LB Prince Shembo- Verbal Commit- Official Visit

IN WR Daniel Smith- Verbal Commit- Unofficial Visit

TN OT James Stone- Offered- Official Visit

OH S Ray Vinopal- Prospect- Unofficial Visit

OH TE Alex Welch- Verbal Commit- Official Visit

FL CB Lo Wood- Verbal Commit- Official Visit


Looking back, Prater, Nix, Martin, Henderson, Joyner, Linder, arguably just as much if not more star power. Considering the net result of these visits on signing day was getting Nix and losing Leuders and Martin, a real dud of a weekend, but it was an exciting proposition at the time.

Leuders is playing C for Oklahoma now I think.


Check that it was Gabe Ikard, another white DE we we're in hot pursuit of.

Edited by Pregame
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if u combine the 2012 and 2013 lists together this weekend, the 2009 year can't hold a torch to this one...i think we have 15-20 of top 100 for 2013 coming this weekend


For '13, I'll take one Alviti, one Te'o, one Crable, and two Jeff Faines with a side of George Connor, to go, please.

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if u combine the 2012 and 2013 lists together this weekend, the 2009 year can't hold a torch to this one...i think we have 15-20 of top 100 for 2013 coming this weekend


I wonder what other underclassmen were there in '09 too that I didn't list?


Just saying, thats apples and oranges in comparing kids over 3 classes to a list that covers 1. Every ND/USC game is "the biggest recruiting weekend since the dawn of man".


Arguably, the biggest one was the '07 game. We got our ass handed to us in retro greens, and landed Mike Floyd in the process. Its all about perspective.

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