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Arik Armstead, USC Decommit


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Lots of sentiment lately picking Arik to ND---


the majority pick at rivals


Bruce Feldman at CBS now thinks Arik to ND


can't explain it totally but the sentiment is there for some reason--


Imagine a signing day with --Armstead & Standifer---And then a late commit by NEAL---throw in Ekanem and that would be a shockingly strong finish---still some possibilities for us



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I'll be very pleasantly shocked if AA ends up here. Other than some Twitter banter with some current ND guys, it seems his recruitment has gone underground since his brother announced he was going back to attend classes at USC for the spring semester and look at his football options.


I don't see it, but I'd love it.

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Is Auburn still in the thick of it with these two? Just havnt seen much talk of them together. No one seems to think they will end up there anymore, and I dont understand. I think our main competition is Oregon and Cal for Arik. Just feel that he would stay on the west coast if he wouldn't come to ND. Again, it all depends on Armond. This is as much as Armonds recruitment as it is Ariks, which is why they had to delay their decision.

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Hate to be that guy that posts rumors from other sites, but saw this on an Auburn board today regarding Armstead AND Darby...


"Take this for what it's worth, I'm not sure that I even know what to make of it, but here goes: Last night at some American bar in Rome (Italy not Georgia), I ran into a group of students from Notre Dame. Pretty quickly the conversation turned to football, and then to recruiting. Aparently one of the guys that I was talking to worked for the athletic department as a host of sorts and also a moderator for the Notre Dame Rivals chatboard. He claimed that there was a 100% chance that Arik signed with Auburn. He said that Armond may or may not, but that Arik is for sure coming here even if they have to split up. I obviously have no way to verify this, but the guy seemed to have no reason to lie. So I guess at this point, I'd say I'm cautiously optimistic.


By the way, he also said there is no way we are getting Darby. Notre Dame did something to piss him off, and he wants them to know that, but ultimately he's not going anywhere else."

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Hate to be that guy that posts rumors from other sites, but saw this on an Auburn board today regarding Armstead AND Darby...


"Take this for what it's worth, I'm not sure that I even know what to make of it, but here goes: Last night at some American bar in Rome (Italy not Georgia), I ran into a group of students from Notre Dame. Pretty quickly the conversation turned to football, and then to recruiting. Aparently one of the guys that I was talking to worked for the athletic department as a host of sorts and also a moderator for the Notre Dame Rivals chatboard. He claimed that there was a 100% chance that Arik signed with Auburn. He said that Armond may or may not, but that Arik is for sure coming here even if they have to split up. I obviously have no way to verify this, but the guy seemed to have no reason to lie. So I guess at this point, I'd say I'm cautiously optimistic.


By the way, he also said there is no way we are getting Darby. Notre Dame did something to piss him off, and he wants them to know that, but ultimately he's not going anywhere else."


100% chance??? haha what does that even mean? We have a 100% chance too. I dont know, this story seems a little crazy.


What do you mean Darbys not going anywhere else?

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Well I can say this with certainty....I will be calling my buddy who is a Michigan fan and letting him know the #$@ whippings will be coming with this class if we land a few of the heavy hitters. With that I mean Armstead, Darby, Nelson, Davonte Neal, and Poole. You give me any two of those and I will be EXTREMELY excited but three or more and I will start calling people:-P They already think I'm nuts for being faithful to the irish all this time but I am not a bandwagon jumper and believe we are going in the right direction.

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The Darby sentence was interesting, and something I could see a kid doing. Notre Dame did something to piss him, so he is just doing this to let the staff know he is mad, but ultimately he will be at Notre Dame... Though, if I were upset with the staff, I wouldnt announce it on ESPN to the whole world. Interesting, if this is true, I am happy, I would take Darby over the Armsteads to be honest. We need a solid CB much more than a DL, if Arik wanted to play OL, I may have a different opinion.

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Aparently one of the guys that I was talking to worked for the athletic department as a host of sorts and also a moderator for the Notre Dame Rivals chatboard.


I call bull on this one. There is no way the athletic department would allow a student employee to work as an internet message board mod. Having worked in the ND athletic department in the past, I can tell you that they adhere to the mantra "Whatever you see here, stays here". It's even on a banner in the locker room. Anyone who releases info to the public without permission can and will be fired. It's happened before. That's not to say that info is never leaked, but to have someone in a position where they would be tempted to disclose such information (e.g., a Rivals mod) would be unfathomable. Besides, there's the risk that disclosing recruiting information to the public through the media would violate NCAA rules which prohibit institutions from commenting on recruits until NSD.

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By pure athleticism, I mean measurable explosiveness and quickness. Jumping, running, etc. Toughness is not an athletic ability, and could go to hockey and football players who endure bumps and bruises from constant collisions. Endurance, sure the nod definitely goes to soccer players or marathon runners. Skill is also not an athletic ability. Hitting major league pitching is definitely harder than making a lay up or three pointer.


But on a pure explosive athletic ability, I have to go with basketball. Also take into account that people that big should not be that athletic, Dwight Howard is a 1 in a multi-million type of guy. Basketball and soccer are two of the more purely organic athletic games out there: ball, players, goal. Not a whole lot of rules and set plays are not as critical as they are in football. Why basketball gets the nod is because there are not athletes on the planet that are 6'6" can run like deer and jump through the roof. NBA is also the hardest professional league to be a part of as well.


People can disagree all they want, but they'll be wrong. Carry On.


good athletes are good athletes. Thats why many of them excel at several sports. lebron james was an all state wide receiver his jr.year in hi school. But to see huge football players run 4.3 forties is impressive as well. I remember watching barry sanders dunking a basketball with ease, bo jackson was an athletic freak. One of the best dunkers in the NBA--Nate robinson was a scholarship football player in college, so is he considered a basketball or football guy.

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Hate to be that guy that posts rumors from other sites, but saw this on an Auburn board today regarding Armstead AND Darby...


"Take this for what it's worth, I'm not sure that I even know what to make of it, but here goes: Last night at some American bar in Rome (Italy not Georgia), I ran into a group of students from Notre Dame. Pretty quickly the conversation turned to football, and then to recruiting. Aparently one of the guys that I was talking to worked for the athletic department as a host of sorts and also a moderator for the Notre Dame Rivals chatboard. He claimed that there was a 100% chance that Arik signed with Auburn. He said that Armond may or may not, but that Arik is for sure coming here even if they have to split up. I obviously have no way to verify this, but the guy seemed to have no reason to lie. So I guess at this point, I'd say I'm cautiously optimistic.


By the way, he also said there is no way we are getting Darby. Notre Dame did something to piss him off, and he wants them to know that, but ultimately he's not going anywhere else."



I'm not talking about you tdub, but your repost author.


Two things I typically notice from people not telling the truth

1. They claim to get the info from someone else (my friends sisters boyfriends uncles etc). Distance themselves from it a bit.

2. They tend to oversell their sources credentials (he works with, good friends with, etc.)


I call them message board arsonist. They try to start some hot thread then sneak back to watch the reaction it gets.

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The Darby sentence was interesting, and something I could see a kid doing. Notre Dame did something to piss him, so he is just doing this to let the staff know he is mad, but ultimately he will be at Notre Dame... Though, if I were upset with the staff, I wouldnt announce it on ESPN to the whole world. Interesting, if this is true, I am happy, I would take Darby over the Armsteads to be honest. We need a solid CB much more than a DL, if Arik wanted to play OL, I may have a different opinion.


ABSOLUTELY!!! You can't teach speed and that kid has a ton of it. Seriously, if we were to land Darby along with Neal and or Agholor then we have landed a class that can compete with any SEC class for speed. We are still slow at the linebacker position but that is being addressed as the young guys get older and with recruiting.

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