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Arik Armstead, USC Decommit


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Was looking at USC websites and noticed this 6' 8'' four star defensive end that is committed to USC but is 'looking around' and most notably at Notre Dame. He plans on taking an official visit this season and is being recruited hard by Denbrock. He also likes to play basketball and Brey is recruiting him as well.


USC sucks at basketball and we made a very strong showing in the Big East this past year. If we come out of the gate this fall and get on a win streak, I really think we get this guy. I love the thought of his size at Defensive end. Things could really go our way if we jsut come out strong---and I think we will do just that!!!!!!

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I would not be surprised if be did flip. His Dad is a NBA trainer and thinks he. could ba a first round draft pick in either sport. I think be might be visiting for the USC game. His brother plays at USC. Should be interesting.


I'm wondering what year his brother is. Hopefully he is a senior and will be gone soon.

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I don't see him going any other place than USC sanctions or not

All any of us have to go by is what we read on recruiting sites and this kid wanted to visit Notre Dame this summer but couldn't come because his father couldn't make it at that time. He certainly plans on being on campus this fall and he will get the royal treatment. Kelly loves that length on the edge and we will really push to get Arik. I have learned to NEVER count out the Irish when they get a kid on campus. What happens that weekend when we beat USC is going to be magical.

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Its not as simple as win game = win recruiting battle, but the vibe on campus that weekend is a rather persuasive factor in recruiting. Kids care more about whats going on around them on a visit than the point total on the score board, and its ALWAYS buzzing for USC. Throw in the night time kick, and South Bend should be absolutely bonkers.


This recruitment feels a smidge like Shaq Evans. From USC country, high on them up front, but ND could easily scoop him given some of the things he's said. Not saying we'll get him in the end, but I think this could turn into a very interesting story by next fall/winter.

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Its not as simple as win game = win recruiting battle, but the vibe on campus that weekend is a rather persuasive factor in recruiting. Kids care more about whats going on around them on a visit than the point total on the score board, and its ALWAYS buzzing for USC. Throw in the night time kick, and South Bend should be absolutely bonkers.


This recruitment feels a smidge like Shaq Evans. From USC country, high on them up front, but ND could easily scoop him given some of the things he's said. Not saying we'll get him in the end, but I think this could turn into a very interesting story by next fall/winter.


All in all, I'd rather this not be like Shaq Evans.

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Arik's first official recruiting trip this year will be to Notre Dame for the USC game. I believe he is wide open and this game will be enormous for this 5 star lineman. He said that he wasn't sure which team he would be rooting for, and since he is committed to USC, and his brother plays for them (but won't make the trip) I think we have a real chance.


His parents visited Notre Dame two years ago when USC played us, and they just loved the campus. I think they are wide open to Arik choosing Notre Dame. The fact that his brother won't make the trip could help us, as his brother is surely thoroughly Trojan. Since we lost our first two games, some of the momentum was taken away but we are building it back rapidly. We have climbed from #64 to #30 in the polls (AP) and will ascend further after we kick the Air out of Air Force.


This kid is rated the #2 offensive tackle in the country, but prefers defense and is a beast at 6' 8''. I'm sure we like him on defense first and foremost. He has spoken with Mike Brey about playing basketball and this is very important to him. He is a strong force in the middle and would probably start for the Irish in basketball.


He's never been to our campus. He has heard great things. Momentum is building rapidly. The fans will know his name and spot him easily (hard to miss), now what if we are to open a can of butt whuppin and put it on the Trojans. It might just be too much for a young kid to turn down. There is no university like ours. Just win baby and these things will take care of themselves. Go Irish!!

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Arik's first official recruiting trip this year will be to Notre Dame for the USC game. I believe he is wide open and this game will be enormous for this 5 star lineman. He said that he wasn't sure which team he would be rooting for, and since he is committed to USC, and his brother plays for them (but won't make the trip) I think we have a real chance.


His parents visited Notre Dame two years ago when USC played us, and they just loved the campus. I think they are wide open to Arik choosing Notre Dame. The fact that his brother won't make the trip could help us, as his brother is surely thoroughly Trojan. Since we lost our first two games, some of the momentum was taken away but we are building it back rapidly. We have climbed from #64 to #30 in the polls (AP) and will ascend further after we kick the Air out of Air Force.


This kid is rated the #2 offensive tackle in the country, but prefers defense and is a beast at 6' 8''. I'm sure we like him on defense first and foremost. He has spoken with Mike Brey about playing basketball and this is very important to him. He is a strong force in the middle and would probably start for the Irish in basketball.


He's never been to our campus. He has heard great things. Momentum is building rapidly. The fans will know his name and spot him easily (hard to miss), now what if we are to open a can of butt whuppin and put it on the Trojans. It might just be too much for a young kid to turn down. There is no university like ours. Just win baby and these things will take care of themselves. Go Irish!!


his brother has been medically redshirted because the USC doctors won't clear him to play and he is VERY unhappy about the situation...considering transferring...i think the whole family is pretty upset by the situation...ND has a legit shot here IMO

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Does ND have an advantage with him talking to Mike Brey or is the SC hoops coach doing the same?


Love to see these kids excel in multiple sports! Translates well a la Julius Peppers.


Also, the first game I attended was v Purdue in '08. This happened to be Shaq's OV. One of the dorms had a large sign that read "Love Shaq! Welcome, Mr Evans" Is it common for the student body to do things like that for highly touted prospects?

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Does ND have an advantage with him talking to Mike Brey or is the SC hoops coach doing the same?


Love to see these kids excel in multiple sports! Translates well a la Julius Peppers.


Also, the first game I attended was v Purdue in '08. This happened to be Shaq's OV. One of the dorms had a large sign that read "Love Shaq! Welcome, Mr Evans" Is it common for the student body to do things like that for highly touted prospects?


Oh yes...they get treated like Royalty. Ever seen Johnny Be Good. Not quite to that extent but not too far off either.

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Does ND have an advantage with him talking to Mike Brey or is the SC hoops coach doing the same?


Love to see these kids excel in multiple sports! Translates well a la Julius Peppers.


Also, the first game I attended was v Purdue in '08. This happened to be Shaq's OV. One of the dorms had a large sign that read "Love Shaq! Welcome, Mr Evans" Is it common for the student body to do things like that for highly touted prospects?


I absolutely think we have an advantage with Brey and our program vs their program. We were ranked as high as #5 in the country last year and USC has had probation problems.

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Oh yes...they get treated like Royalty. Ever seen Johnny Be Good. Not quite to that extent but not too far off either.


Ha ha, why yes I have seen Johnny Be Good! I love that comparison...


Okie, you bring up a great point! ND plays in one of the elite b-ball conferences in the country. Couple that with the fact that the football team is on the rise and from the outside looking in we have a great shot here.

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his brother has been medically redshirted because the USC doctors won't clear him to play and he is VERY unhappy about the situation...considering transferring...i think the whole family is pretty upset by the situation...ND has a legit shot here IMO


If the ND medical staff said... no go... i would be believing and hoping the kid gets well.


But with USC, I could imagine Kiffikins having him medically redshirt so that he doesn't have to waste a scholly, and have him when USC is bowl eligible.


TOTAL speculation... but not above the realm of possibility in Trojan land.

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his brother has been medically redshirted because the USC doctors won't clear him to play and he is VERY unhappy about the situation...considering transferring...i think the whole family is pretty upset by the situation...ND has a legit shot here IMO


that's interesting about the medical redshirt. does anyone know more about the story?


it seems with usc reduced/reducing scholarship numbers that they would want any body possible. moreover, if he transfers, arent they just out his scholarship while on probation?

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We are killing it in basketball recruiting right now. This could bode well for getting Arik as he fully plans on playing both sports in college. We have so much momentum with our play of late and Arik will be on campus in 11 days. If we get this kid from USC it will fully mark the complete turnaround of ND football and the demise of the cheaters.

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Was reading some twitter comments from him, he was talking to Nelson Anghlor>Last name isnt correct probably. But what Arik was saying to Nelson didnt sound promising to going to ND.

NelsonAgh3 Nelson Agholor

@arikarmstead not much in ND for my official- Not sure who said this


Arik's comment was missing a period I think. As in whats up? Not much. In ND for my official.." At least that's what I hope it was...

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