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Ishaq Williams - Notre Dame Commit


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Well this should be stated to the guy who thought it was civil to bring up "fisting", etc, etc. An admin even condoned his behavior subsequent to his post. Until that guy and that admin's comment, things were civil. All I did was reply to it.


Ishaq will be an Orangemen, so all of this won't matter anyway.

well, good luck to your orangemen............

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ok guys............we all had our fun............let's get back to Ishaq...........Cuse fan, you are welcome to stay as long as you remain civil; however, if you insist on hijacking threads to impress the board with your vast knowledge, you will be banned...........all subsequent derogatory posts will be deleted.....i don't want to lock this thread, so let's keep it civil........thanks


So, was it wrong for me to give him his "special" name and the sig? ;)

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My gosh, so clever. Navy.


Why do you keep saying Navy? Navy has been a consistent 8-9 win team for the past decade. Navy is a far superior team to your orange testicle of a mascot. Syracuse has old facilities and a shitty football stadium. ND at least maintains its facilities. And yes, we at DD are clever, so thank you. :mrgreen:


If you are going to continue being a catastrophic dbag on this site, just go home and cuddle with momma.

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LOL would any ND fans on here go onto another teams message board site and talk Sh$t? haha I know I never would. Sometimes I read these message boards and it just amazes how people act, but then I realize how ridiculous it is that I contribute to a message board as well, LOL good sh$t, Good Shi$

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Guest irishfan
My gosh, so clever. Navy.


You guys lost to Akron in '08, and Miami (OH) in '07. I can guarantee outside of Cuse fans, not one person knows that fact. Your program losing to average MAC schools in consecutive seasons doesn't even draw any attention. There probably weren't even highlights of those games on ESPN. You beat two teams with winning records this season (I'm not counting Colgate, and wasn't going to count Maine either until I saw that they finished 4-7), and besides that beat two 4-8 teams along with the aforementioned Maine and Colgate.


Syracuse will never win the Big East or come close in the next four years. Ishaq should realize this. Syracuse got incredibly lucky in a huge down year for the Big East. Rutgers had an awful down year, and its hard to imagine them going 4-8 again. Cincy will be much improved in Jones' second year there. L'ville is clearly on the rise and has a great recruiting class. USF is on the way up with Holtz as well, and actually made your conference proud for once being a good out-of-conference team (Miami--your win against Colgate was nice though!). Pittsburgh might actually be able to take advantage of their talent after underachieveing horribly with Wannstedt there. WVU is a solid 8-10 team every year, and should be on the rise with Holgorson coming in. UCONN finally broke through to the BCS, and should be able to recruit more talent after this year. If Ishaq wants to play for a real team that has hopes for a National Championship over the next 4 years, he should come to ND. If he wants to start right away on an average Cuse team filled with 2 stars that will be lucky to make a bowl game thats not the Pinstripe one, he should go to Syracuse.

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Guest MittenDomer8
Honestly, I didnt know Syracuse football fans posted on message boards...learn something every day.


I didn't even know Syracuse football had fans...

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Maybe Cusefan is posting on a Notre Dame board because 'Cuse doesn't have any football boards of their own. Poor guy. He just wants attention and a place to talk 'Cuse football but no one in America(or Canada, hello friends from the north!) cares about the school's athletic programs between April and December.


Here's hoping you have a Merry Christmas and maybe your decrepit old coach can rent out another one and done player so you can make it beyond the sweet sixteen!

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I, being a douchebag, love reading posts from angry, disgruntled fans of a program which has been the laughing stock of all of college football for the last 10 years. It has done nothing since 1988. 22 years, yet you pompous clowns seem to like the fact that i can't get my finger outta my hiney and act as if this program is still relevant. It is not, I hate to inform you that i blew a goat last night. Oh, but wait, you have your NBC contract.



I love the "nothing since 1988." Is winning a NC is the only "something" a program can do? Included in your definition of "nothing" was our #2 ranked 1993 team that went 11-1 and beat the NC FSU Seminoles, and BCS appearances in 2001, 2005, and 2006.


The "irrelevant" obsession is just silly, as the program's value, TV contract, bowl ratings, ticket sales, recruiting, coaching search, and conference expansion negotiations, among other things, have demostrated so clearly.


And for the record, the laughing stock of college football is the Big East. West Virginia fired its 9-3 coach because it was so embarrassed to finish second in that league.

Edited by Domina Nostra
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Hahaha! Too funny. 77-57 with all these 4 and 5 star recruits?! More pathetic losses to "inferior" teams than ever. Navy lol. Navy lost to DUKE lol, in Maryland. Navy comes into South Bend and absolutely crushes you 35-17. Navy is not a good football team, I hate to break it to you. All their wins have come against garbage mid-majors (Southern Methodist, Central Michigan, Georgia Southern, Louisiana Tech, East Carolina, Arkansas State, Army, Wake Forest, oh ND too lol). They got crushed in their bowl game against San Diego State 35-14.


Of course you understand my two comebacks every time, BRabbit. Because they say it all. Two wins against Notre Dame, during its pathetic years. What will it do in the next few years as it is obviously improving under new Coach Doug Marrone? Probably blow out your sorry team. I have also said that the Syracuse program has been pathetic these last 10 years, but Notre Dame can't say any different, even with all its 4 and 5 star recruits. Your program is in shambles right now, and you can't face the facts. Good luck with Brian Kelly. He isn't going to change anything over there. I think the "real" recruits realize that South Bend is a terrible town to live in. I hated it there when I went for the Michigan game in 2008. I can't imagine choosing to play football there as a promising 18 year old football player.


How is Syracuse improving? Nassib is one of the worst QB's in D1, three of your wins were Maine, Colgate, and Akron, and you lost to despicable Washington, Pitt, and BC squads. Are you really improving or is it your weak-ass strength of schedule? Washington.

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couldnt have said it better myself


I have sat back and watched this thread for awhile now. Are you 12 or are you an adult? You must really be personally upset and offended to come back to a Notre Dame board day after day and try to antagonize people. Someone must have really struck a nerve with you and it must be eating at you pretty bad. Your not a fan so why come here to begin with except for the sole intent to antagonize and illicit the negative responses you've gotten. Do you have nothing better in your life that you need to come here and try to offend people who dont know you or know anything about you and who personally dont care? We have really good posters who come here to read about Notre Dame football. Not the garbage that has been flying around in this thread. We also have young kids who come here and I would personally like for them not to have to read this garbage. To the mods..you guys have allowed this to go on for too long. This thread needs to go away and this individual needs to be banned if this is the type of posting that will continue. There is no place for this here!!! For myself and all of the other posters who dont want to continually have to read this crap please lock this thread and ban this individual if he cant contribute anything worthwhile to the board.

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