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Ishaq Williams - Notre Dame Commit


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picking a hat is fine. I personally wouldn't do it but I don't have much against it unless you purposely disrespect one of the 'hats'.


Yeah, the whole picking of the hats thing is fine and doesn't bother me. It just shows the final teams that they were choosing from. However, it does irritate me when they pick up several of them, throw them down, or try and so some trickery with them. Just pick up the hat you choose, put it on, and smile for the camera. I think the majority of players do it that way, but you hear more about the guys that make a spectical about it.

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Yeah, the whole picking of the hats thing is fine and doesn't bother me. It just shows the final teams that they were choosing from. However, it does irritate me when they pick up several of them, throw them down, or try and so some trickery with them. Just pick up the hat you choose, put it on, and smile for the camera. I think the majority of players do it that way, but you hear more about the guys that make a spectical about it.


Also, I know we shouldn't expect too much out of 17 and 18 year olds, but it would be nice to acknowledge that it would be a privaledge to choose any of your finalists, they all have great staffs, etc etc. just to show you're not purposely disrespecting the people who you supposedly formed a relationship with over the last year. Some of them actually do this, which is nice.

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I just read Syracuse set a December record with 70.8 inches of snow already this year. I know South Bend gets some snow, but that is pretty crazy.


He is from New York, so he is used to snow, but that has to play a little role in it I would think.


I doubt weather has anything to do with it since both places suck in the winter, hell maybe he likes snow. Personally I think this will come down to how hard he wants to work in school on his education while playing football. Will he take the easy way out or will he accept the challenge?

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I am sorry guys, but going to Syracuse is not the "easy way out". Syracuse is a very good institution and has better programs in some areas than ND, especially in communications. Which ever school he goes to, he will get a good education.


I understand what you are trying to say, but the fact is that less than 70% of african-american football players graduate from Syracuse. Can he get a good education, yes - but that could be said about any school in the country. The question is, does the school and the football program put an emphasis on graduating football players ? That answer is definetly in ND's favor.

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