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Pete Samson - Rivals Radio

Guest bluester2000

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Guest bluester2000

Pete Samson a recruiting insider reported on the Rivals Radio network that Kamara, Benn, Ragone, Trattou, and Williams may all be ready to commit.


He also thinks that Young may be asked to step in at right tackle if Duncan can't get bigger in the next 3 months.


Linebacker is obviously an area of need with a lot of question marks. Crum and Brockington missed the BG game but both are slated for the starting lineup. The defensive line made some steps forward and performed well against the Irish offensive line. The secondary will be helped with the freshmen coming in during the summer.


He also touched on the Clausen situation commenting that Frazer and Jones both probably knew ND was in a good position as far back as September or October. He also speculates that both are looking forward to the competition and the next Blue-Gold game will be very interesting. Lastly on the subject he commented that Sharpley looked sharp and that it could very well be a 4 player race.

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Guest IrishCupaJoe

Pardon my ignorance, but just how good is this kid? Other than Miami, he seems to be a target of mostly schools in the midwest and east coast. I've noticed the power players get offers from the four corners of the U.S. Not doggin' the kid, I just don't really know. So, how good is he?

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Guest NDLawJAG
Pardon my ignorance, but just how good is this kid? Other than Miami, he seems to be a target of mostly schools in the midwest and east coast.


I assume your asking about Ragone... Ragone also has offers fro USC, FSU and a number of others. He is listed as running a 4.4 40 yard dash. I know he returns kicks for his school. He is the most athletically gifted Tight end I have seen this year.


If you were refering to the others... they are all Pre eval top 100s. Kamara is probably the least heralded of them but I love his size.

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Guest TDJesus3

Ragone, in my opinon is as good or if not better than Reuland, he runs like a wideout, catches balls, and is a great all around tight end...this kid is a stud and really when paired with Reuland will make for two big time tightends

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Guest bluester2000


I think that Samson saw what I saw, that Duncan physically could not handle Abriamiri. I don't think that makes him much different than most RTs we'll see this year, but the fact that the tight end had to be anchored to his right hip for the majority of the scrimmage was disconcerting.


I do think that Duncan needs to get stronger before he can feel comfortable about Sam Young. All things being equal I allow those two to rotate generously. I also think Young should get worked into the LT position later in the year since that's where he should end up.


Ragone is a stud by all accounts. I'm still looking for a handful of "name" defensive commits. Trattou would be nice, but obviously it's an area of need.

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Guest TDJesus3

Young is a man child, not as big as stewart, but much more imposing and much more in shape to play, i still think its his job to lose, none of the guys this spring really proved anything to me, and most believe Young was the top lineman in the country last year and our top recruit

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Young is a man child, not as big as stewart, but much more imposing and much more in shape to play, i still think its his job to lose, none of the guys this spring really proved anything to me, and most believe Young was the top lineman in the country last year and our top recruit



I'm sorry but that quote doesn't compute. Yes, Young was a top lineman and our top recruit but that's all.



"Young is a man child but not as big as Stewart ..."


To start with Young is 60+ pounds less than Stewart - nobody should be in the same sentence with Stewart - weightwise. Young and Stewart play different positions so I don't see the sense to the reference.



Young and Duncan are BOTH listed at 6'-7" with Young being 5 pounds heavier at 297 versus 292. At that size - that's a push.



"... much more imposing and much more in shape to play..."


Referring to Stewart whose not a tackle (the position being discussed) or to Duncan (the player at the position being discussed)?




You've seen Young and Duncan in uniform facing Division 1 defenders? Of course not, none of us has.


Duncan had been through summer practice, the '05 season with DIV 1 Playing Time, Spring Practice and 9 months of Div 1 supervised weight training and conditioning. Have the coaches not been doing their job? Is Duncan's body fat % higher than Young's?


What's your basis for the claim that Young is "much more in shape to play"? Have you seen them on the field together? In the weight room together? Have you tracked their windsprints? Can Young do more gassers? Better shuttle time maybe? Superior bench press or squat?


Are you comparing film of Young playing against High School kids versus Duncan suiting up in a Div 1 game against defenders the calibre of Abiamiri, Laws, - or better? Or are you just speculating based on Lemming ratings?


Young hasn't faced a 22 year old opponent yet. Duncan plays against them daily. They're a lot bigger, stronger, faster, smarter, than meaner than high school competition.



Young probably has the most upside potential but until he displays it on a Div 1 field - it's potential. I hope his presence will inspire Duncan, Turk and Mattes to even better performance and - may the best man win.


I have no horse in this race. I don't care who the best OL is. I want to see the best OLINE on the field regardless of what their names are or what their Rivals Ranking was.





BTW, the "man-child" term is impressive when speaking about a high school kid competiting against high school kids but at the next level that man-child suits up against grown men. He then becomes a "child-man" until he proves otherwise on the field with the big dogs.

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Guest TDJesus3

my point is Young is built like a grown man, and the comparison to stewart was to show hes just not fat and overweight like stewart. We all know stewart is huge and the staff is actually getting his weight down. While I think Young is already built as well if not better than Duncan and more talented thats all im saying. Dont be suprised if you see Young playing over Duncan

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BGIF a fuller explanation then I gave :) Duncans pretty darn big, I couldn't figure out the reasoning of this radio guys remark unless he's pretending he has "inside info" which Charlie would not give him the time of day on.) :lol:


Let's be honest except for a few plays this was a "fun game." If anyone was serious at 10-7 we are in deep trouble. :roll:

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Guest NDLawJAG

Off subject a little, but since everyone else does it. I saw that Morreli led PSU blu team to a victory... 17-0. I was suprised because of all the turnover on offense that they put up 17 points until I learned that the Blue team was made up of all the first teamers.

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Pardon my ignorance, but just how good is this kid? Other than Miami, he seems to be a target of mostly schools in the midwest and east coast. I've noticed the power players get offers from the four corners of the U.S. Not doggin' the kid, I just don't really know. So, how good is he?


Let's put it this way with Ragone, he is the ONLY TE that Charlie has offered.

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Ragone has 20 or so offers including ND, FSU, OSU, PSU, and USC. Pretty impressive list.


Keep in mind he was injured wrestling not too long ago and is having surgery. Many programs which haven't offered yet may be prudently waiting to see him post surgery. Again we're talking about juniors with a full season in front of them.

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... He also thinks that Young may be asked to step in at right tackle if Duncan can't get bigger in the next 3 months. ...



This may be misinterpetation by the writer or listener. I don't have a copy of Charlie's post B&G press conference (they should be free!) but I thought I read in a post game article that Charlie had commented that Duncan "needed to play bigger".


I wasn't sure how to take those words. I assumed it meant he had to cover more space laterally. That may have necessitated keeping the TE to minimize the area Duncan had to patrol or to circumvent a DE getting around him. It could be as simple as he needs to extend his arms to make the DE take a longer path around him.


I don't think the comment had anything to do with physical size. Rather that Duncan needs to expand his sphere of field influence.

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Discounting Sharpley still doesn't compute to me. The kid was as good as Jones or Frazer, so imagine one of those studying under Charlie for three years. Would he not be heads and shoulders above the rest from pure study and experience with Charlie alone? Cannon arm and a lot of talent...He will have more football intellect than those two, and will be more informed about the system than Clausen coming in. I think the job is Sharpley's to lose in '07. Yeah, Clausen is great, but the real competition will not come until Sharpley's last year of eligibility. Seriously, Charlie is not going to put an unproven freshmen on the field for the opening game of the season. If Sharpley shows he can't handle Charlie's tutelage, then it will be Jones or Frazer who sees the field in the first game of '07. Think about this from a Coach's perspective.

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